The Yomi Robot

Same-Day Surgery

Minimally Invasive

Advanced Technology

Intra-Operative  Flexibility

Unobstructed Visability

Multi-Sensory Feedback

Or Call Now to Schedule

Benefits of The Yomi Robot

Streamlined Experience

Minimally Invasive Treatments

Superior Dental Outcomes

Improved Implant Precision

Robot-Guided Dental Implants in Hialeah, FL

Although many patients see great success with dental implants, there is always room for unforeseen issues and human error. How do the experts at Implant Center of Hialeah avoid these issues and provide the very best in patient experience? We welcome and utilize The Yomi Robot, the first and only FDA-approved robotic surgical system that allows our team to deliver a better patient experience. Discover why the professionals at Implant Center trust Yomi to guide our implant treatments with enhanced precision and leave patients smiling.

For more information about The Yomi Robot please call us at 305-846-7987 or complete the contact form online.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is robot-assisted implant surgery?

    Robot-assisted implant surgery is a technique where a surgeon uses a robot to aid in placing implants or prosthetic devices in the body. The Yomi robot's precise movements and enhanced visualization help improve surgical accuracy and outcomes for our patients at Implant Center. It can filter hand tremors, navigate complex anatomical structures, and facilitate minimally-invasive procedures that allow for less discomfort and faster healing times.

  • Are robotic surgery procedures safe?

    Robotic surgery procedures are generally very safe, offering benefits such as increased precision and reduced invasiveness. However, like any surgery, there are potential risks and complications involved, including injury, infection, or technical malfunctions. Proper patient-surgeon discussions and a skilled surgical team are essential to assess individualized risks and benefits, ensuring patient safety.

  • Does robot-assisted implant surgery replace my dentist?

    No, robot-assisted implant surgery does not replace your dentist. While robot-assisted surgery can aid in the placement of implants, it is still a surgical technique that requires the expertise and guidance of a trained dental professional. Your dentist plays a crucial role in diagnosing your dental condition, planning the treatment, determining the need for implants, and overseeing the entire process. They will work in collaboration with the surgical team, including the Yomi robot, to ensure the best possible outcome for your dental implant procedure. Your dentist will also provide post-operative care and follow-up to monitor the healing process and maintain your oral health.

  • What should I know about robot-assisted implant surgery?

    When it comes to robot-assisted surgery, you should know that the use of the robot is simply another tool to help aid your dentist in giving you the best possible experience. Your implantologist will combine the guides provided by the robot and their expert knowledge and skill to ensure you have a comfortable implant placement. Your dental professional will be in full control throughout the entire procedure.

  • How experienced are surgeons with robot-assisted implant surgery?

    Surgeons undergo specific training to acquire the skills necessary for robot-assisted surgery. Our dental professionals at Implant Center have the proper training and expertise to safely utilize the Yomi robot with our patients.

  • How can robot-assisted implant surgery benefit me?

    Benefits may include increased precision, improved visualization, reduced invasiveness, smaller incisions, less blood loss, and potentially faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.

Yomi Success Stories

Bethany's Yomi Story

Joe's Yomi Story

Jackie's Yomi Story

Deborah's Yomi Story

Maryellen's Yomi Story

Jane's Yomi Story

Dr. Brugler's Yomi Story

Unguided Vs. Robot-Guided Surgery

When you're looking for an experienced team to custom-design and create your dental restoration, a robot-guided surgery can make all the difference. Why does The Yomi Robot stand apart?

Freehand Surgery

Longer Surgery Times
Invasive Techniques
Standard Drill Kits
Imperfect Guide

Robot-Assisted Surgery

Same-day Surgery
Minimally Invasive
Advanced Technology
Multi-Sensory Feedback

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is not meant to substitute for the in-depth consultation you should have with your dentist. Only a licensed dentist can adequately diagnose and explain your underlying condition, Yomi-Enabled Surgery, medically acceptable alternative procedures, and the potential complications and risks of any procedure and/or operation. In every case your dentist must guide you on all aspects of your surgery, including pre- and post-operative care. Individual results will vary. All claims of product performance and indications for use contained within this document relate only to data submitted to and reviewed by regulatory authorities in those jurisdictions in which clearance(s) and/or approval(s) have been obtained, including the United States. No product performance claims or indications for use are made for jurisdictions in which such clearance(s) and/or approval(s) have not been obtained. Adverse events are possible in any surgery, including Yomi surgery. Possible adverse events include, but are not limited to inaccurate implant site preparation, resulting in damage to patient anatomy, delays in surgical procedure, injury to user or patient due to unintended motion of the system, electric shock to user or patient due to electric malfunction, misuse or off label use of the system that leads to manual manipulation of the osteotomy, damage to patient anatomy, or hazard to the user.

For full indications for Yomi-Enabled Surgery, please visit

References 1. Intuitive Surgical Q4 2018 Investor Release

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